Lesson #3: Time Blocking

Length: 30 mins

❏ Use time blocking to achieve your goals
❏ Make connections between time management and graduating from high school
❏ Understand that managing your time saves you time and makes you feel less stressed

  • Why is it important to manage your time?
  • What are you already doing to manage your time? Is it working? How do you know?
  • Watch the following video: The Science of Productivity
    • After watching the video, discuss the following questions.
      • According to the video, what are three tips to be more productive?
      • Is multitasking effective? Why or why not?
      • Is it better to focus on big tasks, or to break big tasks into smaller steps? Why?

How will time blocking help you achieve your S.M.A.R.T. goals?

New concepts covered and activities completed:
TODAY – Lesson #3: Time Blocking

NEXT WEEK – Lesson #4: Self-Advocacy