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School on Wheels offers scholarships for current and former students. We know that participating in extracurricular activities and having support for post-secondary academic and vocational pursuits is an important part of any young person’s life.

All students must have been enrolled in our program for a minimum of 3 months to qualify for a scholarship.

Submitting an application does not guarantee a scholarship. Decisions are based on multiple factors, including the strength of the application, the amount requested, and/or available funds. It is important that each application includes an explanation of exactly what the student will use their scholarship funds for. All applications will be reviewed within 4 weeks after the due date. If you have any questions please contact us at

If your application is incomplete or missing required attachments, it will be considered ineligible for processing; you will be encouraged to submit your full application at the next deadline.

2024 Application Due Dates

  • February 28th
  • April 30th
  • July 30th
  • October 31st

K-12 Scholarship

This scholarship is for learning a new skill, academic growth, or improving your mental or physical health. The total amount requested can not exceed $500. If awarded, the financial payment will go directly to the requested item/class/program.

For inspiration on your scholarship request, see below examples of activities & supplies. We encourage applicants to include online or in-person lessons when applying for a new skill or activity.

Learning a New Skill

  • A musical instrument
  • Sewing machine

Academic Growth

  • Science kits
  • Digital design tools & software
  • Test prep and college application fees

Mental and/or Physical Health

  • Soccer ball with cleats & cones
  • Yoga accessories
  • Journaling books & art kits

If you are requesting funds to purchase remote learning accessories, puzzles, or games, you may want to contact us first at We do have some of these items on hand at our office.

Application Materials 

Please have these materials ready as digital files before beginning the online application:

Personal statement essay 

Your essay must answer the below question and meet the length requirements in order to be reviewed:

If awarded this scholarship, how will this item, class, or program impact your goals, aspirations, and educational pursuit?

  • If you have received a scholarship from us previously, please also tell us how you used it and what you learned.
  • The essay must be written by student in their own words, unless they are in Lower Elementary.


  • High school students (1-2 pages): double spaced, Times New Roman, font size 12
  • Middle school students: 3-5 paragraphs
  • Upper elementary (3rd-5th grade): 1-3 paragraphs
  • Lower elementary (K-2nd grade): picture with 1 or 2 sentences (written on own or dictated to adult)

Letter of recommendation (LOR) from a tutor, teacher, mentor, or employer. 

  • The LOR should discuss the applicant’s academic commitment as well as involvement and/or interest in volunteer/extracurricular activities.
  • Cannot be from a family member
  • The LOR should be a page long.

School record: current unofficial transcript, enrollment verification or report card.


Click here for the application.

Post-Secondary Scholarship

This scholarship is for costs associated with post-secondary education such as tuition and books. The requested amount cannot exceed $1,000.

This scholarship includes, but is not limited to, trade school, community college, and universities.

To qualify you must be accepted to or enrolled in a post-secondary institution (community college, trade school, university, etc.) You can re-apply for this scholarship once a year for up to four years.

Application Materials 

Please have these materials ready as digital files before beginning the online application:

Personal statement essay

  • First-time applicants: if awarded this scholarship, how will it impact your goals, aspirations, and educational pursuit?
  • If previously awarded a scholarship: how did you utilize the funds that were previously awarded to you and what have you learned?
  • Please submit 2-3 pages, double spaced, Times New Roman, font size 12
  • Your essay must meet the length criteria listed above in order to be reviewed.

Letter of recommendation (LOR) from a tutor, teacher, mentor, or employer.

  • The letter of recommendation should discuss the applicant’s academic commitment as well as involvement and/or interest in volunteer/extracurricular activities.
  • Cannot be from a family member
  • Returning applicants cannot use a previously submitted LOR.

School records

  • If you have not yet started classes, please submit enrollment verification.
  • If you have attended classes, please submit an unofficial transcript with class schedule.


Click here for the application.

Scholarship Programs

This scholarship was created to honor Catherine McAuley Meek. Born in Glasgow, Scotland in 1920, she left school at age 14 to help support her family. As an intelligent woman who saw how her lack of education impacted her, she was determined that the same fate would not happen to her children. Many people in the neighborhood never finished basic schooling. And no one in her family had ever gone to college until her children did.

The purpose of the Catherine McAuley Meek is to improve the life of a child through education. Scholarships are available to break down any barriers that exist for students experiencing homelessness in getting a quality education. This includes, but is not limited to, any level of college, trade schools, arts/music programs, educational summer programs, apprenticeships or enrichment classes. You may contribute to the Scholarship fund through our donation page by choosing the Catherine McAuley Meek Scholarship from the menu.