Lesson #1: Choose a Job
How to Get a Job
Length: 30 mins
❏ Understand six different work environments
❏ Explore occupations and jobs based on interests
❏ Select an occupation/job and understand its requirements
❏ Reading: Key Ideas and Details
❏ Reading: Integration of Knowledge and Ideas
❏ Speaking and Listening: Comprehension and Collaboration
❏ Speaking and Listening: Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas
❏ Language: Vocabulary Acquisition and Use
❏ Numbers and Quantity: Quantities
What type of job fits you best?
New concepts covered and activities completed:
TODAY: Lesson #1: Choose a Job
❏Work environments
❏Average salary
❏Work values
NEXT WEEK: Lesson #2: Apply for a Job
Lesson #3: Create a Resume
Lesson #4: Interview for a Job
Lesson #5: Make an Impression