Lesson #3: Create a Resume

Length: 30 mins

❏ Understand the importance of a resume
❏ Create a personalized resume

❏ Writing: Clear and Coherent Organization and Style
❏ Language: Vocabulary Acquisition and Use

❏ Numbers and Quantity: Quantities

Why Resume?

What do you know about resumes? Have you ever made one?

A resume is a selling tool. A resume outlines your relevant skills and experiences so an employer can see how you can contribute to their organization.

It has to sell you in 30 seconds or less. It can take 30 seconds or less for an employer to decide whether your resume ends up in the “consider file” or the reject pile. While you may have all the requirements for a particular job, if the employer does not quickly conclude that you have what it takes, then your resume may not have clearly outlined why you should get the job.

Tailor your resume to each job. The most effective resumes are clearly focused on specific jobs and address the employer’s stated requirements for that job (the job description). The more you know about the qualifications and duties required for the job—and organize your resume, skills, and experience around these—the easier it is for the employer to see you have what it takes to do the job.

Know your audience. The more you know about the employer and the job, the more you can personalize your resume to fit them. You will need information about the jobs or volunteer positions you’ve held in the past and the job you’re applying for in order to include your most relevant accomplishments, skills, and experiences

Proofread your resume. Any mistakes and a prospective employer may stop reading and put your resume away. Have others check your resume.

On a laptop or smartphone, go to:

  1. https://www.resumebuilder.com/
  2. Click “Create My Resume Now”
  3. Select next and select your applicable status
  4. You can select a template or skip the step to start creating a resume
  5. Work to complete a personalized resume

    An example resume has also been provided for your reference.

Reflect on the experience of creating a personalized resume. Do you feel prepared to complete one on your own in the future?

New concepts covered and activities completed:
TODAY: Lesson #3: Create a Resume

❏Selling Tool

NEXT WEEK: Lesson #4: Interview for a Job