Lesson #4: Interview for a Job

Length: 30 mins

❏ Understand how to answer the most common interview questions
❏ Be familiar with questions you should ask in a job interview
❏ Know about legal and illegal interview questions
❏ Practice interviewing skills and being in the “hot seat”

❏ Reading: Key Ideas and Details
❏ Reading: Integration of Knowledge and Ideas
❏ Speaking and Listening: Comprehension and Collaboration
❏ Speaking and Listening: Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas
❏ Language: Vocabulary Acquisition and Use

Common Interview Questions

Have ever been in a job interview? If yes, how did you prepare for it? What questions did you get asked? If not, what do you know about job interviews?

Tell us about yourself.

Quickly summarize your job skills or volunteer experiences.

What did/do you like best about school?

Tell them how you liked working on team projects, any time you were in charge of a project or organized any activity. 

If you are/were in a job-related skills class, share some of the skills and abilities you obtained through that opportunity.

Why are you leaving your current job?

“I am looking to increase my skills and responsibilities.”

“The organization I’m working for is closing.”

Why do you want to work for us?

“I believe my skills and abilities are a good match.” (Be prepared to explain why)

“I have enjoyed my past experience with this company as a customer, client etc.”

“It would fit with my long-range career goals.” (Be prepared to share them)

Have you ever been asked to leave a position?

My position changed and my available hours no longer fit.

(If other reasons, try to keep it positive.)

Why should we hire you?

“I am reliable and will work hard. If you hire me, you will get someone who is not afraid to learn and is willing to go the extra mile”

Tell me about your weaknesses.

“Probably my greatest weakness is my inexperience, but I am a quick learner, I want to work and you can teach me how you would like the job done.”

What are your strengths?

If you have any strengths that fit the job, share those.

If not, tell them you want to work, learn, and do the best possible job you can.

Tell us about a problem you had and how you solved it

Think of a situation at school, on a team, on the job, and how you handled it.

Talk about communication, getting help from someone else, for example.

*This set of questions is also provided as a PDF for future reference.*

Why are these important?

Discuss the importance of asking questions in a job interview. As much as employers need to look for the right person for a job, you also need to find an employer that’s right for you. Here are some question examples:

Describe your ideal employee.

How does an employee succeed on your team?

What are some of the objectives you would like to see accomplished in this job?

There are legal and illegal questions during an interview. Go through the interview question worksheet to learn about these questions. Know that if you are ever asked an illegal question, you can report it to the equal opportunity employment commission: 1-800-669-4000

Mini Interview: You will be interviewed by your tutor with the following two questions: 

Question #1: Tell me about yourself.

Question #2: What do you like best about school?

New concepts covered and activities completed:
TODAY: Lesson #4: Interview for a Job

  • Interview questions
  • Interview skills
  • Questions to ask the interviewer
  • Legal vs. illegal interview questions

NEXT WEEK: Lesson #5: Make an Impression