Lesson #1: Choose a Major

Length: 30 mins

❏ Explore occupations and jobs based on interests
❏ Select a college major based on a chosen occupation

❏ Reading: Key Ideas and Details
❏ Reading: Integration of Knowledge and Ideas
❏ Speaking and Listening: Comprehension and Collaboration
❏ Speaking and Listening: Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas
❏ Language: Vocabulary Acquisition and Use

❏ Numbers and Quantity: Quantities

Interest Profiler

Are you currently working? Do you have any work experience?

Tutor: share your professional journey.

Is this new information? Are you excited about your chosen college major?

Watch this youtube video about how to choose a major and classes:

New concepts covered and activities completed:
TODAY: Lesson #1: Choose a Major

  • Occupation
  • Average Salary
  • Work Values
  • College Major

NEXT WEEK: Lesson #2: Choose a College