Lesson #1: Choose a Trade Skill

Length: 30 mins

❏ Explore different types of available trade skills
❏ Select a trade skill based on interests

❏ Reading: Key Ideas and Details
❏ Reading: Integration of Knowledge and Ideas
❏ Speaking and Listening: Comprehension and Collaboration
❏ Language: Vocabulary Acquisition and Use

❏ Numbers and Quantity: Quantities

What Is Trade School?

Do you have any work experience? Are you working now? Have you worked in the past? What did you do? Tutor: Share your own career and professional journey and talk about why you chose your occupation.

Trade School

Trade school (sometimes referred to as vocational school, technical school, or vocational college) is a post-high school institution that’s designed to give students the technical skills to prepare them for a specific occupation.

Trade schools prepare students for work in their chosen field and occupation. Trade schools often provide work experience throughout the program. 

Unlike a four-year college, students do not graduate from a trade school with a bachelor’s degree. Usually, upon completion of the program, students receive a diploma or trade certificate acknowledging they successfully completed it.

Program lengths vary, but typically, they range from anywhere from 8 months to 2 years. Trade school degrees are much shorter in length than college degrees.

After trade school, you can get a job immediately in the field of study.

For example, if you study cosmetology, you can become a cosmetologist.

Here are some jobs you can start with a degree from a trade school:

  • Electrician
  • Plumber
  • Welder
  • Aircraft Mechanic
  • Cosmetologist (Hair & Beauty)
  • Chef
  • Construction manager
  • Massage therapist

Trade school programs are the shortest; they run from less than a year to up to 2 years as opposed to community colleges and four-year colleges. For example, many trade schools are for-profit businesses. The focus of trade schools is on giving students hands-on experience directly related to a specific job they are interested in doing. At the end of a program, they can get a diploma or certificate, prepare for a licensing exam, or become an apprentice or journeyman in a skilled trade. Admission is mostly open enrollment. There is really no extracurricular involvement or on-campus culture at trade schools. Students only attend their classes and get their professional training.

Time. A bachelor’s degree typically takes a student 4 or more years to complete

versus a trade school, where earning your degree could take 2 years or less! 

High Demand. Most programs/jobs are in high demand in the workforce.

Cost. It costs the average American $127,000 to earn a bachelor’s degree. At a

trade school, it costs students an average of just $33,000 to earn their degree!

Rolling Applications. There are always multiple start dates for programs.

Job Experience. Not only are you getting an education but you are also getting a lot of hands-on training in your field to build your confidence and experience.

Career Services. Trade schools help students with resume composition, 

networking skills, interview skills, and even connecting them to jobs!

How do you feel about the trade skills based on the test results? Do they make sense? Do your current and/or past jobs match these?

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TODAY: Lesson #1: Choose a Trade Skill

NEXT WEEK: Lesson #2: Choose a Trade Career