Lesson #2: Choose a Trade Career

Length: 30 mins

❏ Discover the variety of trade careers available
❏ Select a trade career based on a chosen trade skill

❏ Reading: Key Ideas and Details
❏ Reading: Integration of Knowledge and Ideas
❏ Speaking and Listening: Comprehension and Collaboration
❏ Language: Vocabulary Acquisition and Use

Choosing a Trade Skill

This is a full list of trade skills on the test: Administrative, Agriculture, Beauty, Construction, Culinary Arts, Design, Hospitality, Manufacturing, Mechanical, Medical, Recreation, Science, Transportation, and Technical.

Reflect on your chosen trade career. Are you excited about the chosen trade career? What do you like most about it?

New concepts covered and activities completed:
TODAY: Lesson #2: Choose a Trade Career

NEXT WEEK: Lesson #3: Choose a Trade School