Word Knowledge B

Your student is learning the basics of how to read. You will help them understand the individual sounds and letters in written language. The curriculum linked below contains a sequence of reading skills for your student to learn. Start with the first unit “One sound from two consonants”, and continue through the units in order. If a reading skill in the unit is too easy, that’s ok! You can move at a faster pace until you find a reading skill that needs some extra practice.

Remember to take breaks between worksheets or other activities, and have fun!

Additional resources:

When we read one sound made of two consonants, it is called a “digraph”. For example, in the question Where is the chicken? Notice the four digraphs marked in bold.

The first 4 digraphs in the list below — ch, sh, th, and wh — are also called “the h brothers”.

Digraph: ch

Digraph: sh

Digraph: th

Digraph: wh

Digraph: ck

Digraph: ng

The letters s, l, and r are often combined or blended with other consonants at the beginning of words.

Initial S-blends

Initial L-blends

Initial R-blends

We read many words with a long vowel sound when the word ends with the spelling pattern vowel-consonant-silent e (VCe). We also call this spelling pattern “the bossy e” because when the e shows up, the other vowel sound changes.

Long vowel /a/

Long vowel /i/

Long vowel /o/

Long vowel /u/

The letters l, n, and others are often combined or blended with other consonants at the end of words.

Final N-blends

Additional final blends