3rd Grade

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Syllables [RF.1.3.D]

Punctuation and parts of a sentence [L.1.2.B; RF.1.1.A]

Capitalization part 1 [L.1.2.A]

Understanding different types of books and stories, reading comprehension [RL.1.5; RL.1.1; RL.1.2; RL.1.3]

Long and short vowels [RF.2.3.A]

Irregular past tense verbs [L.2.1.D]

Adjectives and adverbs [L.2.1.E]

Understanding how prefixes change word meaning [L.2.4.B]

Capitalization part 2 [L.2.2.A]

Irregular plural nouns (e.g. feet, children, teeth) [L.2.1.B]

Simple verb tenses (e.g. I walked; I walk; I will walk) [L.3.1.E]

Reading comprehension [RI.3.1; RF.3.4]


Base Ten: Count to 120 [1.NBT.A.1]

Base Ten: Comparing numbers with <, >, and = symbols  [1.NBT.B.3]

Operations & Algebraic Thinking: Addition and subtraction within 20 part 1 [1.OA.A.1]

Operations & Algebraic Thinking: Adding and subtracting with 20 [1.OA.C.6]

Measurement & Data: Telling time part 1 [1.MD.B.3]

Base Ten: Hundreds, tens, and ones place value [2.NBT.A.1]

Base Ten: Skip counting by 5s, 10s, and 100s [2.NBT.A.2]

Measurement & Data: Solving word problems with money values [2.MD.C.8]

Measurement & Data: Telling time part 2 [2.MD.C.7]

Base Ten: Adding and subtracting within 1000 using place value [2.NBT.B.7]

Base Ten: Rounding to the nearest 10 or 100 [3.NBT.A.1]

Base 10: Adding and subtracting within 1000 [3.NBT.A.2]

Operations & Algebraic Thinking: Basic multiplication and division in word problems [3.OA.A.3]

Operations & Algebraic Thinking: Interpreting products of whole numbers [3.OA.A.1]

Operations & Algebraic Thinking: Arithmetic patterns [3.OA.D.9]