Tutor Anniversaries February 2018
We would like to give a huge shout out to all of these amazing tutors who have volunteered with us for a year or more! We couldn’t impact the lives of thousands of children without you.
Four Years
Amarilis Bolanos
Jezz Quibal
Ann Klein
Three Years
Uma Kumaran
Pranit Kumaran
Paula Herrera
Jacob Rode
Two Years
Diane Lopez
Karisa Witham
Carlos Puga
Michael Mukhin
Alexander Sviridov
James Bull
Stephanie Swenseid
Elaine Nguyen
Therese Obara
Jay Cramer
Shannon Moore
Helene Rioux
Pouye Sedighian
One Year
Donna Hoffler
Peter Knapp
Marian Noei
Vivian Rollinger
Jon Cohen
Claire Chandler
Kyle Tommelein
Richard Brannin
Nena Hernandez
Nancy Castaneda
Erin Walch
Gail Mills
Robert Price
Alexandra Norris
Stacey Millett
Bahar Pourtaheri
Stephen Smith
Kevin Henrick
Aspen Walker
Adrienne Yoo
Bruce Bjornson
Jana Cruz
Kimberly Kutz
Priya Swaminathan
Joseph Nichols
Ken Hamasaka
Bryan Sonderman
Ngozi Udeh