Students of the Month – June 2020

Age 13

Julian loves football and art, and is very creative. His math assessment score was low but he doubled it after six months. Trying to stay focused was a challenge; part of it was that in the beginning we had our tutoring sessions at McDonald’s, and there was a lot of distraction. Julian has had a tough life to date. His family has moved a lot, so he’s attended many schools. This kid, with all the trials and tribulations life throws at him, maintains a great attitude.
Steve Tiso, Tutor
Age 11

H’s favorite subjects are drawing, reading and PE. She dreams of one day becoming a surgeon or engineer. H has been through a lot in her short life, but she never gives up; I attribute this to her Mom. My time with her has made me realize that even in the worst of times, children can be fostered to have a positive attitude.
Lynn Johnson, Tutor
Jimmy & Ricky
Age 11 & 13

Both Jimmy and Ricky love playing sports! Also, Jimmy loves Captain Underpants and Ricky loves playing Fortnite. Jimmy and Ricky both struggled with reading, initially, but they have learned to read slower, enunciate clearer, understand passages better, and ultimately enjoy reading more. Jimmy wants to get better at soccer and be a soldier when he grows up. Ricky wants to either become a police officer, firefighter, or soldier. Jimmy and Ricky teach me to be more optimistic in my own life! These boys have reminded me how inherently optimistic children are. They all want to become somebody in the future and deserve to have the chance to do so.
Phillip Chung, Tutor
Age 10

Bryan likes drawing and coloring (he drew this picture of the Coronavirus!) and would really like to have a dog one day. He even has a type of dog he would like to have; it’s a mix of pit bull and husky and it’s actually called a pitsky! We looked it up. We are making BIG steps towards learning the times table & that’s a very big deal. Bryan hopes to have a good future and do well in school. I am learning from Bryan to be patient and not ask him questions while he draws. I admire his persistence during our meetings, as well. He’s always on time and is very willing to learn new things.
Dana Altschuler , Tutor