Students of the Month – November 2018

Region 5:
Gabriel (11th grade) – I love seeing Gabriel brighten up when we talk about art and clothing! He’s very interested in becoming the best person and truly understanding what interests him! We sit and sketch together during the week and talk about shading, contouring, construction of garments, and croquis! – Eric Garcia, Tutor
Region 1:
Marco (age 16) – Marco and I work on his projects and homework together each week. Most of the time we are going over things as a recap or moving forward and learning something new. Marco is a smart, funny, intelligent and creative student. We are in the process of designing a game, and I will be teaching him how to code using Unity. He was responsible for the design, concept and gameplay. Over the past few weeks I have seen Marco grow in his confidence with schoolwork and ability to problem solve. He shows a great interest in coding and biology, which is perfect for designing biology-related programs. Keep up the great work, buddy! – Jeremy Agrusa, Tutor
Region 2:
Layben, Nytirri, and Lamar – There are few kids’ rituals as important as Saturday morning cartoons, but the siblings Layben, Nytirri and Lamar are always eager to work on math, kindly helping us set up the chairs and tables without being asked.
In the first few sessions, Layben (kindergarten) was more reserved, and I hardly heard him speak. After more one-on-one time, I have found he has a burgeoning sense of humor, playing jokes while I watch him make speedy progress on addition and subtraction.
Nytirri (2nd grade) reminds me of me as a child, with her diligence and her affinity for arts and crafts. If you teach her something new, she will master it by the next week and ask you to give her a more difficult problem set. Sometimes, she makes her own problems and teaches them to us.
Lamar (3rd grade) is equally devoted, bringing his own workbook to do extra practice at the end of a lesson. He loves brain games, like word searches and chess. He quickly learned the rules of chess one day, then taught them to the other students. As the oldest, he has a sense of confidence that I feel will enable him to be a leader.
– Charlotte Kim, Tutor
Online Tutoring:
Katrina (10th Grade) – Katrina is very bright, a quality she undoubtedly gains through her love for reading. She invests hours into reading everyday and enjoys every minute of it! She says she loves to be transported to an alternate universe, in which the interesting events are taking place. Katrina is also an extraordinarily quick learner and grasps material after only a few minutes of practice. Often, we get through much more than I had initially intended to cover in one online tutoring session! It has been wonderful being able to connect with Katrina through online tutoring, and I have no doubt that Katrina will accomplish amazing things in the near future!
– Lori Horhor, Tutor
Skid Row Learning Center:
Bailey (Kindergarten) – Bailey is the first Kindergartener ever chosen as Student of the Month at the Learning Center! She is helpful, dutiful, kind, caring, and respectful. She not only completes her homework quickly and efficiently, but she also helps her classmates. She is the epitome of what a Student of the Month should be! – Jason Wright, Tutor