Tutor Anniversaries July 2016

“The best way to not feel hopeless is to get up and do something. Don’t wait for good things to happen to you. If you go out and make some good things happen, you will fill the world with hope, you will fill yourself with hope.” – Barack Obama
Jeremy Blum
Five Years
Charmaine Pereira
Four Years
Peggy Sanders
Three Years
Andrew Wood
Two Years
Kylie Banks
Steffan Brown
Erica Haaseth
Brisa Marquez
Linda Mendez
One Year
Sloan Askins
Jake Banning
William Barclay
Joel Adriano Bautista
Sylvia Carlisle
Amanda Carr
Heather Castillo
Fanny Chan
Ngawang Choney
Jorge Contreras
Margery Cosgrove
Jack Fisher
Sharla Fisher
Ashley Flores
Ashima Gore
Mark Hadley
Rena Hayami
Maribel Hernandez
Emily Inestroza
Kathy Jarman
Russ Kerr
Patricia Lester
Aidan McCray
Jenna McCray
Patty McCray
Michelle Nguyen
Douglas O’Connell
Emma O’Neil
Blair Pettigrew
Nathan Ryan
Stacy Scholder
Chong Tan
Renee Thurau
Jennie Vu
Carol Wang
Barbara Wells
Lisa Yu