Tutor Anniversaries September 2018
We would like to give a huge shout out to all of these amazing tutors who have volunteered with us for a year or more! We couldn’t impact the lives of thousands of children without you.
Nine Years
David Kagen
Six Years
Rachel Bravo
Ani Mikaelyan
Kate McNeil
Five Years
Theresa Fiddler
Four Years
Barbara Penland
Steven Mynsberge
Three Years
Sahand Pirbadian
Two Years
Stephanie Waldroup
Karen Mooney
Tobias Muresianu
Mike Shimizu
Paul Klein
Katherine Scheker
Marilyn Schreiber
Judith Seki
Ricka Fisher
Max Roessler
John Reece
Sanford Holo
Armin Szatmary
James Graham
One Year
Emilie Bedard
Thu-anh Holton
Ashley Young
Eve Kurtin
Theodore Chin
Patricia Arendt
Angel Simon
Joshua Ing
Kim Novak
Jill Ause
Cole Schreiber
Jesus Rojas
Emma Newman
Blair Carnes
Leah Rothman
Kristina Kalinkin
Iris DyanMagpayo
Yulissa Diaz
Sila Gercek
Kenneth Varghese
Valerie Rodriguez
Brian Morales
Robert Mancuso
Jeffrey Louie